This portfolio details my accomplishments as a doctoral student in the School of Information Science and Learning Technology (SISLT) at the University of Missouri prior to completing comprehensive examinations.
Personal Statement
Following the Education Technology track within the SISLT doctoral program, my interests are in technology support systems for Problem Based Learning (PBL), collaborative learning, and structured discourse activities.
Education technology is manifested in modern education in a kaleidoscope of strategies, designs, and systems that may benefit the education process. The use of technology may ease, support, enable, facilitate, and enhance the facets of education administration, teaching, and learning. As an educator and instructional system designer, my primary interest has always been where technology tools bear on the learning process. In my career I have been an enthusiastic supporter and creator of learning systems without a formal knowledge of how they should be designed to be effectively employed. For these reasons I have chosen Education Psychology as my supporting field. The skills I have gained in the SISLT doctoral program have bolsterd my belief that technology can have important roles in knowledge and skill acquisition. Systems that support those activities should be informed by what research in psychology tells us about when, where, how, and why learning happens.
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Doctoral Program Committee Members
Dr. Joi Moore (Chair) | SISLT |
Dr. David Jonassen | SISLT |
Dr. John Wedman | SISLT |
Dr. David Bergin | Educational, School and Counseling Psychology |
Progress Timeline
Comprehensive Exams | Fall 2011 |
Proposal | Summer 2011 |
Dissertation | Spring 2012 |