Working as a graduate research assistant has allowed me to gain experience in preparation of collected data for analysis and system development. coursework served as another avenue to gain experience with statistical analysis and system design. I also participated in research projects with other graduate students, gaining valuable research design and analysis experience.
My Learning Assistant: Instructional Support
in a Video Game. 
Graber, G., Al Ghenaimi, S., Kilburn, E., (2011). My Learning Assistant: Instructional Support in a Video Game. (Under review: submitted to Tech Trends, Sept. 2011)
We conducted a pilot usability study of the educational game, Immune Attack, for our project work in the SISLT Human Computer Interaction course in the spring 2009. I rewrote result of that effort to focus on preparation for publication. I conducted a more thorough literature review and analysis of the original data, and submitted the paper to the AECT publication, Tech Trends.
Open-Source Argumentation: A Flexible System Design. 
Graber, G., (2011). Open-Source Argumentation: A Flexible System Design. (draft under revision for submission to Ed Media, Denver, CO, June 26 - June 29, 2012)
This paper details the results of an independent study in which I ported and updated a structured discourse system created by Jonassen and Remidez (2005) to the open-source discussion forum, MyBB. I am currently rewriting this draft for submission to Ed Media, 2012.
Jonassen, D., Remidez, H. (2005). Mapping alternative discourse structures onto computer conferences. Int. J. Knowledge and Learning, Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2, pp.113–12
Implementing a Problem Based Learning Environment
in Flash. 
Graber, G. (2009). Implementing Problem Based Learning Environments in Flash. In G. Siemens & C. Fulford (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2009 (pp. 3586-3591). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
This paper examines the design issues in implementing a problem based learning environment using Adobe Flash.