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Facilitating Constructive Online Discussion Using Graphical Representation. AERA 2010 Submission AERA 2010 Denver Presentation AERA 2010 Presentation

Kwon, K., Graber, G., (2010). Facilitating Constructive Online Discussion Using Graphical Representation. Paper presented at AERA 2010, Denver, CO.

Doctoral colleague, Kyungbin Kwon, and i presented the results of a study of graphical representations of discussion forum activity and their effect on student interaction at AERA in Denver, 2010. Kyungbin approached me in the Summer of 2009, seeking help coding discussion forums for inter-rater agreement analyzing data collected for this study. Kyungbin also had me proofread and rewrite portions of the conference paper that needed clarification. Kyungbin and I split the presentation: Kyungbin delivered the introduction and findings, and I presented an explication of the factors which affect student participation in discussion forum activities.

Working with Kyungbin on this research project and presentation provoked my interest in discussion forums as mechanisms for engendering knowledge construction in students. Through my participation in the presentation at AERA I was able to learn more about where and why students choose to engage in discussion forum activity, and how structured discussions (one of my interests related to this project) can be used to direct students to more fully engage in discussions.

Implementing a Problem Based Learning Environment in Flash. Implementing Problem Based Learning Environments in Flash Ed Media 2010 - Implementing PBL in Flash

Graber, G. (2009). Implementing Problem Based Learning Environments in Flash. In G. Siemens & C. Fulford (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2009 (pp. 3586-3591). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

A twenty-minute presentation of a paper I wrote to explore the systems design issues encountered in creating a PBLE using Adobe Flash. Delivered at Ed Media, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2009. This formal presentation at an internationally recognized education organization conference helped me better understand how to prepare and conduct presentations in a limited time-frame.



Membership in professional organizations has given me access to conference organization publications, as well as contact with other professionals who share similar interests.

Student Memberships
AACE Since 2008
AECT Since 2008
AERA Since 2009