VocabBuddy 1.0 has won 4 &
5 star awards from these shareware download sites:
You may download VocabBuddy
from the above sites, by clicking on the award icons, or from our
VocabBuddy download
VocabBuddy Lite, the limited feature
set version of VocabBuddy, has won 4 & 5 star awards from these
shareware download sites:
"BrotherSoft Review Staff give the product the maximum 5 out
of 5 Rating because this product is easy to use, it has a professional-looking
interface, it is excellent compared to other programs in this section..."
VocabBuddy Lite is completely
free. You may download from the above sites, by clicking on the
award icons, or from our VocabBuddy
Lite product page.