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  Recent thinking in vocabulary teaching is tending towards a dynamic, process-centred approach. Vocabulary learning is being seen more and more as a skill in which responsibility lies with the learner to develop his or her own lexicon. Carter and McCarthy (1988:16) point out that “...learning words in another language cannot be easily divorced from motivational factors such as how important or useful lexical items are perceived to be by learners themselves.” VocabBuddy has been created for learners of English with this in mind.

  Teachers of EFL and ESL recognise that it is difficult to select vocabulary items to cover with their classes since language learners bring with them widely different vocabulary needs - a word unknown to one student may well be very familiar to his or her neighbour. Furthermore, research has shown that much vocabulary, in English or in other languages, is learned by the students individually through reading, and not deliberately, under the teacher’s control in the language class.

  Many EFL teachers recommend that students use traditional vocabulary notebooks to take notes on vocabulary items that they encounter for the first time in order to facilitate retention. Several TEFL teachers’ guides place importance on this aspect of the vocabulary learning process. Indeed, Woolard (2000:44) states “It is now clear that we need to give vocabulary notebooks a far greater priority in language teaching, and raise our students' awareness of the dynamic role they have to play in the process of learning a language.”

  VocabBuddy is designed in line with the increasing trend in CALL away from the idea of the computer as a tutor to that of the computer as a tool. (Levy1997). The tutor role is one in which the computer is used to transmit knowledge and skills whereas in the role of tool it empowers learners to carry out learning tasks.

Carter, R. & McCarthy, M. (eds.) (1988) Vocabulary and Language Teaching, Longman, London.

Levy, M. (1997) Computer-assisted language learning: Context and conceptualization, Oxford University Press, New York.

Woolard, G. (2000) Collocation - encouraging learner independence, in Teaching Collocation, ed. Lewis, M., Language Teaching Publications, Hove, pp. 28-46.
VocabBuddy - Available Now!

VocabBuddy - the electronic vocabulary notebook that enables English language learners to:
VocabBuddy EFL Software
• Create their own dictionaries of English words and phrases each with notes, meanings, examples and pictures.

• Mark difficult or important vocabulary items in a Hot List.

• Listen to the pronunciation of vocabulary items, definitions and sentences with VocabBuddy's built in access to Microsoft Text to Speech Technology.

• Play word games to help with retention of the vocabulary items in their dictionaries or Hot List.

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VocabBuddy Lite for Teachers
VocabBuddy EFL SoftwareA FREE lite version of VocabBuddy for teachers and students in EFL, ESL, and language teacher education programs such as CELTA.

• Completely FREE!
• Populated with TEFL words and phrases
• Limited feature set