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VocabBuddy uses a product activation feature that allows users to purchase, register and receive automatic updates directly without quitting the program. This registration and activation process is an important feature of the software. The first time a user runs VocabBuddy, this activation feature is automatically invoked.

This brief guide will explain how to register and activate your beta version of Vocab Buddy. If you have any questions, please email support@eflsoft.com

When you first run Vocab Buddy after installing it, you will see the following screen:

EFL software

Click "Upgrade Now..." The following screen appears:

EFL software

Choose the same options as in the screenshot above.

You are now ready to connect to the eSellerate system to download a license for Vocab Buddy.

If you cannot connect to the Internet contact support@eflsoft.com for advice on how to activate VocabBuddy.

Click "OK" The Software Delivery Wizard window appears:

EFL software

Click "Start" after agreeing to comply with the EFLsoft licence agreement>

The Personal Information window appears. Enter your personal details (please leave the VAT ID field blank):

EFL software

You will then be asked to enter your credit card information. Follow the instructions in the Credit Card entry window.

Next you will see details of the order you have placed and then a simulated credit card purchase dialog.
You will also receive an email with full details.

Vocab Buddy is now ready to use.